Monday, May 25, 2015

Drug Free Workplace

Instituting a drug-free workplace along with mandatory drug testing for new hires can be costly for the business, however drug use and abuse can also be costly as well due to absenteeism, accidents, downtime, turnover, theft, morale, and loss productivity.  According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.  “Drug Abuse has an estimated cost of $81 billion annually” and implementing a drug-free workplace can help cut down on that cost.  Absenteeism is considered one of the major problems associated with drug abuse at the workplace because it has a direct effect on productivity and “it also compromises employee safety because workers who lack familiarity with procedures and work environments and who substitute for absent employees, put themselves at greater risk for accidents than workers who are not absent (Goodman & Garber, 1988)” as quoted in (McFarlin, 2001).  Accidents are more likely to occur when employees’ abuse drugs because of the effects that drugs have on the human brain individuals that are under the influence will have difficulties concentrating on their job that can result in mistakes that can be detrimental.  Drug abuse can “kill and/or damage brain cells” ("Drugs change your brain," 2003) making it very difficult for an individuals to function normally at the workplace which could directly impact productivity because they are having difficulties understanding the functions of the job which can result in increased downtime because individuals will try their best to avoid actually doing the work.  The turnover rate increases because many people that abuse drugs have a difficult time maintaining employment because they are more focused on their addiction so if employers require mandatory drug testing that it is possible to cut down on the turnover rate along with absenteeism and productivity.  Theft is a major problem in all organizations for many different reasons, however it can be more of a problem with drug abusers because they may not have the funds to feed their addiction so they will steal from their employer.  The morale of the company “refers to employees’ shared attitudes toward identification with the elements of their job, working conditions, fellow workers, supervisors, and general management” (Crossley, 2007) and if drug abuse is present in the workplace it could bring down the morale of the company due to conflict that could arise amongst employees. The morale of the company is extremely important because it provides employees with a source of encouragement, therefore instituting mandatory drug-testing can help boost the morale by showing the employees that the company is concerned about their well-being.

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