Saturday, September 27, 2014

Introduction to Psychological Testing

Psychology is defined as “the scientific study of behavior and the mind” ("Psychology," 2009). As a part of the scientific study of the human mind and behavior psychologist use “systematic, objective methods of observation to study any activity that can be observed, recorder, and measured” ("Psychology," 2009).  As a part of studying the mind and behavior, psychological testing were developed to assist psychologist in reaching some sort of conclusion in regards to human behavior.  In this essay I will summarize the major assumptions and fundamental questions associated with psychological testing.  As a part of my summary I will define the term test, describe the major categories of tests and identify the major uses and users of these tests and I will compare and contrast the concepts of reliability and validity and discuss how they affect the field of psychological testing.
Defining Test
According to the free dictionary by Farlex a test is defined as “a series of questions, problems, or physical responses designed to determine knowledge, intelligence, or ability” (The free dictionary by Farlex, 2014).  The word test was derived from “an old French word, with the earliest recorded use in English being by Chaucer in 1368.  In its origin, it meant a cup used for smelting gold or silver ore, perhaps an apropos reference for some high-stakes testing today” (Hogan, 2007 p. 38).   In general a test is a procedure that can be used to measure specific factors or abilities.  There are various types of test that cover specific areas such as intelligence, medical aptitude, personality and many other areas. 
Major Test Categories
There are five major test categories, mental ability, achievement, personality, interests and attitudes and neuropsychological.  Mental ability test “measures both general intelligence and specific intellectual factors” (Laurent, 2007) that includes an individual’s ability to retain memory, spatial visualization and creative thinking.  Achievement test seeks to measure an individual’s “level of knowledge or skill in a particular domain” (Hogan, 2007 p. 6) such as reading and math.  Personality test “measure abstract personality traits, which vary in their presence on human beings and predispose individuals to certain patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving” ("Personality test," 2009). Interest and attitude test include vocational interest measures that “help individuals explore job related to their interest” and is commonly used in high school and colleges. In this category there are also measures of attitude towards topics, groups and practices” (Hogan, 2007 p.8).   Neuropsychological test are designed to produce information about an individual’s “central nervous system, especially the brain” (Hogan, 2007 p. 8).  Neuropsychological test are often used in conjunction with other test such as personality and mental abilities.  
Primary Uses and Users of Major Test
There are four separate groups that are considered to be primary users of the five major test categories previously identified that include clinical, educational, personnel, and research.  When major test are for clinical use it can be in the “fields of clinical psychology, counseling, school psychology, and neuropsychology”.  When major test are being used for clinical purposes psychologist are trying to help an individual whom currently has or may have had some type of problem and the purpose of the test is to “help identify the nature and severity of the problem, and perhaps provide some suggestions about how to deal with the problem.  Testing may also help to measure progress in dealing with the problem” (Hogan, 2007 p.12).   Educational settings are another use of major test by school psychologist or counselors and the “actual users of the test information include teachers, educational administrators, parents, and the general public, especially as represented by such officials as legislators and school boards” (Hogan, 2007 p.12).  Major test in educational settings are used to determine the level at which students are learning through achievement tests and also to measure the academic success of students in the future.  Personnel testing are another use of major test and are primarily used by businesses and the military. Major test are used in businesses as well as the military to identify and select individuals that are qualified to fill available positions and typically will include measures of “general mental ability, specific job-related skills, and personality characteristics” (Hogan, 2007 p. 13).  Major test are used when conducting research in “psychology, education, and other social/behavioral sciences” (Hogan, 2007 p. 14).  In the research process the function of the test “the operational definition of the dependent variable” as well as “describing samples” and it also “involves research on the tests themselves” (Hogan, 2007 p.14). 
Reliability and Validity
Reliability and validity are two very important aspects of psychological testing that could be misinterpreted as being one and the same; however they have completely different meanings.  Reliability represents the consistency in the measurements and the validity represents whether the test measures the purpose of the test.  The value of a test is determined by reliability and validity because when results are consistent and support a hypothesis it can help researchers draw conclusion that will allow for proper diagnosis and treatment for individuals.
Testing is a method that is used to gather information that will measure certain abilities in individuals such as achievements, personality, interest and attitudes and neuropsychological.    The major categories of test are conducted in different settings such as clinical, educational, personnel and research that all serve a main purpose and that is to supply information to the user that could assist in helping individuals and that is why reliability and validity is very important.  Reliability and validity shows results that are consistent and specific in relation the type of test and that is what gives users assistance in providing the necessary things needed to help individuals.

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